Jr. ATB Grand Opening - March 17th, 2020

The Stavely Elementary Jr ATB team is excited to announce that they will be hosting their Grand Opening on March 17, 2020. The Jr ATB program provides children with the opportunity to run their own bank and board, with a full staff of branch team members (greeters, tellers, counters) and a full board (CEO, Vice- CEO, secretary, treasurer). These kids will be hosting deposit days wherein their peers can bring REAL MONEY to deposit into their REAL ACCOUNTS, create promotions, host amazing competitions, and gain valuable job experience. The Grand Opening is an exciting day where the CEO will cut the red ribbon and present a speech to kick off their deposit days. Please come to the GRAND OPENING ON MARCH 17, 2020 at 11:45 a.m. to have a cookie and enter the contest to win prizes. The kids will also be accepting donations to the Alberta Children's Hospital (ie. toys, books, coloring supplies etc.). We cannot wait to get this program started, and are eager to bring the experience to the Stavely Elementary School!