The Inclusive Learning Services Team at Stavely School is dedicated to collaborative problem-solving and building capacity among staff to meet the needs of our exceptional learners. We tailor education and learning to meet the different needs (“stretches”) of students in terms of the pace (individualization), and the approach (differentiation), and the learners’ interests and experiences. This affords the student/learner a degree of choice about what is learned, when it is learned, and how it is learned. We provide opportunities to learn in ways that suit the student’s learning styles and multiple intelligences.
Our team consists of a diverse group of professionals who work collaboratively to support students who have special learning needs (including intellectual, physical, behavioural, social, emotional, and communication needs). We promote inclusive and equitable access for all students, by providing direct services to students. We also work to support parents and families through meaningful engagement, workshops, and provision of information/resources.
We strive to create enabling environments where:
- Parents are partners
- Students are not labeled or categorized, but viewed with individual strengths and weaknesses
- Physical and educational settings are appropriate to the age, ability and interest of all students
- Allowance is made for the dignity of risk in challenging situations
- Suitably timed and frequent feedback by the teacher promotes demonstrable outcomes
- School work is matched to student skills and interests through progress monitoring
- Continuous opportunity is provided for the student to have meaningful interactions with peers
- All students are treated fairly in providing responses in class
- Intensive instruction occurs
- The pupil-teacher ratio permits individualized programs and student portfolios
- Curriculum is not just content, but is based on principles of child development; context and process skills are also emphasized
- Inter-agency collaboration occurs
Classroom teachers and education assistants are important members of our collaborative response meetings. They are able to share emerging issues. We collaborate and put into action, plans to support our students who may be experiencing academic, social-emotional and/or behavioral challenges.
Learning Support Teacher, Brenda Schlaht, is our team leader. She is the key contact for parents and teachers who have questions or concerns about our exceptional learners. She advocates for inclusive programming, organizes case conferences, and arranges for academic and other assessments. She oversees all of our Individual Program Planning (IPP) and Program Unit Funding (PUF) for preschool and Kindergarten. Mrs. Schlaht provides direct classroom support to assist in meeting the needs of individual students and the planning and implementation of behaviour support services.
Family School Liaison Counselor, Brenda Schlaht, provides counseling and support to individual students or in groups. She strives to enhance family situations through support, education and referrals. She is a member on the school-based threat assessment team and post-crisis response team. She also collaborates in providing character education and social skills programming.
Principal, Leanne Watson, provides leadership, direction and support for inclusive education for all our students. She keeps informed of all student issues as well as oversees and supports team initiatives.
Speech-Language Pathologist, Wendy Thompson R. S-LP(C) - The Speech Language Pathologist can assess and support development in the areas of articulation (making the sounds of spoken language), language comprehension (understanding of language/receptive language), expressive language, early literacy skills and social language/pragmatic language skills.
Speech and language intervention can take place within the classroom or in a small group or one on one settings. Children with difficulties in the area of receptive language skills might struggle with following directions, following routines, learning new vocabulary, understanding sentence structure, understanding time concepts, understanding spatial concepts and/or understanding the relationships between words.
A child who has difficulties in the area of expressive language might have difficulties in using basic narrative structure, organization of expressive language, sentence formulation skills, ability to ask questions or ask for clarification, ability to describe, ability to express emotions and use a wide variety of vocabulary.
Children with language delays might also have difficulties in the area of literacy development. A child with social/pragmatic difficulties may struggle with shifting their focus, initiating communication with others, turn-taking, waiting, playing with others, self-regulation skills, planning skills, following routines and transitioning between activities and locations.
Occupational Therapist, Brad Lissel (he/him) BSc, MSc OT - My name is Brad Lissel, and I am the Occupational Therapist working with Stavely School this year. I work for SouthWest Collaborative Support Services and provide services alongside speech-language pathology, physiotherapy, and teachers who support students who are deaf and hard of hearing, and visually impaired.
Occupational therapy supports meaningful activities of daily living. In a school setting, this involves fine-motor development (hand-skills), self-care skills (toileting, dressing, eating), emotional and sensory regulation, and visual-perceptual skills.
I live in Willow Creek County, west of Nanton, and support all schools in Livingstone Range School Division as part of my caseload. I support students at Stavely School through universal and whole-class strategies and through a referral process for specific student needs. Please feel welcome to inquire through the school for more information for support services.
Physiotherapist, Melissa Spina, PT, M.Sc. PT -
Discovering the world through movement! The ability to move and the ability to sit still are often taken for granted. The goal of physiotherapy for school-aged children/youth is to help them move to the best of their ability and to obtain and maintain their highest level of independence at home, school and in the community. Increasing a child/youth’s independence in the above areas increases their self-esteem and builds skills for success now and in the future.
Physiotherapists work with children/youth who have movement challenges that affect success in:
- Classroom activities
- Getting around the classroom and school
- Recess play
- Physical education
Physiotherapists work with children/youth in a variety of ways:
- Combine movement goals with school routines and academic programming
- Individual work on specific skills
- Modifications and adaptations to activities to allow the child/youth to be included in activities
- Group work (ex. movement / brain breaks)
- In collaboration with other team members
- Teach learning team to support the child physically in school (ex. stair safety, lifting, stretches)
Examples of when you might make a referral to see a Physiotherapist include:
- for younger children: if your child has difficulty playing with others at recess or when using playground equipment
- if child/youth has difficulty doing the same things in Physical Education as peers
- in general: child/youth has difficulty moving around home and/or school
Parents or guardians are the most complete source of information for the child and have the greatest investment in their child’s future. Parents are involved in programming decisions and are kept informed. Parents/guardians are requested to provide feedback on how well students apply skills learned at school to the home and to the community.